Barxeta is a municipality of la Costera located at the easternmost end of the region, on the well-known natural route that communicates Xàtiva with the sea. Its name has Islamic origins, since at the time it was a Muslim farmhouse conquered by Jaume I.

The Barxeta River runs through the valley from east to west with a permanent and clean water flow that attracts wildlife. The Riu Barxeta Natural Spot was declared a municipal natural site in 2008.
Hiking enthusiasts will also find very interesting the Barxeta routes, such as the Barsella route or the Serra de la Corsa and Requena route that cross beautiful landscapes. Marble and granite quarries abound in these mountains and the pink marble from Buixcarró has been highly appreciated since ancient times.
High quality artisan cheeses are produced in the town. The cheeses of Barxeta gather the tradition of several generations dedicated to the artisan production of cheeses. A product that is sold directly in local markets and reaches the consumer without any kind of preservatives. They are cheeses receiving international awards.