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Canals is a beautiful municipality on la Costera located to the left of the Cànyoles river. Its origins go back to antiquity and already in the time of Al-Àndalus it was the enclave that regulated the waters of the dels Sants river, fundamental for the irrigation of a large part of the region. Canals is the birthplace of Pope Calixto III and is part of the Borgia Route.

The old town is worth a walk to reconnect with the medieval plot made up of alleys and typical squares.

In Canals is La Torre dels Borgia (the tower of the Borgia Palace), in which Pope Calixto III was born. It is a Muslim fortification that was abandoned after the conquest and where the Borgia family built a Gothic palace. The medieval Canals was based on the neighborhood called El Secanet, where the Gothic church that was demolished in the mid-twentieth century was located and in which the parish church of Sant Antoni Abad was built in the seventeenth century.

On January 16, the eve of Sant Antoni Abad, the world’s largest bonfire is burned in Canals. It is so voluminous that it begins to be assembled a month before, with the entry of the first trunk on December 8. It is one of the most impressive bonfires in the entire Valencian territory.




Aiacor va ser un municipi fins 1879, any en el que es va annexar a Canals. Antiga alqueria musulmana, tenia el 1609, any de l’expulsió dels moriscos, 63 llars de cristians nous. La població se situa a l’esquerra del riu Cànyoles, sobre una plana regada per les séquies de la Llosa i de Ranes que són drenades a partir de l’aigua del riu dels Sants.

La Torreta de Canals

La Torreta o La Torre de Canals era una alqueria independent de Canals. La Torreta havia sigut un dels llogarets que Jaume I donà al comte Dionís d’Hongria en el repartiment de València. Segons la tradición Calixte III va naixer en aquest lloc.

Torre Cerdà

Pedania de Canals i tambè anomenada Torre dels Flares. La parròquia de Santa Maria fou erigida al s. XVI i la jurisdicció pertanyia als frares mercedaris de Xàtiva. El  municipi fou incorporat al d’Aiacor en 1877 i posteriorment al de Canals.