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Culture and identity

The voices of la Costera

In Voices of la Costera we give the floor to representative people of La Costera.
The voice of people with a culture and traditions handed down from generation to generation until today.

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Entrevista a l'alcalde de Moixent, Guillermo Jorques, amb motiu de la Fira de les Comarques.

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Entrevista a Manuca García, tècnica de Turisme de l'Ajuntament de Xàtiva, que ens explica tota l'oferta turística de la localitat de La Costera per a aquesta tardor.

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La presidenta de la Mancomunitat La Costera-Canal, Mª José Tortosa, ens conta els principals recursos turístics de la nostra comarca i ens anima a visitar-la.

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We accompany Manolo Asensi, a farmer from La Font de la Figuera, to the fertile lands where the olive trees work. Asensi tells us about the smells and colors of these lands so representative of La Costera and says of our region that it is a very pleasant place to walk, visit, eat and get to know.

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Pep Gimeno 'Botifarra', He received us at the Cuesa house, a farmhouse in the Xàtiva garden that he has recovered as a museum and meeting place. There, he told us about la Costera and invited us to love it, appreciate it and get to know it.

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We are very close to the Xàtiva Market square to speak with Marisa Pla, heir of a long tradition of pastry professionals. The quality in the artisan production of the product is the recipe for the success of Forn de Pla.

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We visited the Genovés Ball Museum to chat with Paco Cabanes 'El Genovés', a legend of this great sport. His spectacular sports career has dignified the Ball and is an inspiration for the new generations of Pilotaris.